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Custom Course

We offer the ability for any hosting agency or an agency that wishes to have their own exclusive closed course.  You can choose from one of the options below or reach out directly to us and provide your unit's needs and requirements.


IRONCLAD Concepts and Solutions offers the following courses not included in the main programs:


  • Advanced Tactical Medical Care Course (ATMC2)

    • This course is for medics, SWAT or patrol officers and the emphasis is mass casualty events.  This course is fast paced and in-depth.  Our ATMC2 has been taught to select units of AFSOC and MARSOC.​

  • Specialty Target Interdictions (Tubular Assaults);​

  • Breaching Capabilities;

  • Low Visibility Operations (for small units that conduct surveillance in high-crime areas or for units that are establishing high-risk plain clothes interdiction teams);

  • Tactical Air Liaison Officer (TALO) Program

    • As technology, use of drones and manned aircraft to support tactical law enforcement operations increases, this course trains tactical operators how to plan for airspace deconfliction, manage air assets and maximize use of platforms and sensor packages.​

Due to our diversity of experience in various operating environments, IRONCLAD can develop any type of program that fits your needs.  Our versatility of conducting law enforcement special operations all over the world in support of on-going counter terrorism operations or combating trans-national criminal organizations is an advantage we have over most training organizations.


Go to the link below and contact us to schedule your custom course today!

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